Since anyone can contribute documents or files to this collection (without central censorship, but we might need a way to keep out sabotage, see, the collection already consists of over a million files and would only cause great confusion to the users if we did not use the technology per LRH to solve this. See his Logics and the footnotes on how to apply these Logics to our problem:

  • Logic 8. A datum can be evaluated only by a datum of comparable magnitude.
  • Logic 9. A datum is as valuable as it has been evaluated.
  • Logic 10. The value of a datum is established by the amount of alignment (relationship) it imparts to other data.
  • Logic 11. The value of a datum or field of data can be established by its degree of assistance in survival or its inhibition to survival.
  • Logic 12. The value of a datum or a field of data is modified by the viewpoint of the observer.
  • Logic 13. Problems are resolved by compartmenting them into areas of similar magnitude and data, comparing them to data already known or partially known, and resolving each area.6 Data which cannot be known immediately may be resolved by addressing what is known and using its solution to resolve the remainder.
  • Logic 14. Factors introduced into a problem or solution which do not derive from natural law but only from authoritarian command aberrate that problem or solution.
  • Logic 15. The introduction of an arbitrary into a problem or solution invites the further introduction of arbitraries into problems and solutions.
  • Logic 16. An abstract postulate must be compared to the universe to which it applies and brought into the category of things which can be sensed, measured or experienced in that universe before such postulate can be considered workable.
  • Logic 17. Those fields which most depend upon authoritative opinion for their data least contain known natural law.
  • Logic 18. A postulate is as valuable as it is workable.
  • Logic 19. The workability of a postulate is established by the degree to which it explains existing phenomena already known, by the degree that it predicts new phenomena which when looked for will be found to exist, and by the degree that it does not require that phenomena which do not exist in fact be called into existence for its explanation. The Logics were written by L. Ron Hubbard, published in 1951. 

This Qual Library will help Scientology rid itself of false data and forgery of the Tech, Admin & Ethic and their misuse by helping to establish KSW #1 through #10:

Getting the correct technology applied consists of:
     One:    Having the correct technology.
     Two:    Knowing the technology.
     Three: Knowing it is correct.
     Four:   Teaching correctly the correct technology.
     Five:    Applying the technology.
     Six:      Seeing that the technology is correctly applied.
     Seven: Hammering out of existence incorrect technology.
     Eight:   Knocking out incorrect applications.
     Nine:    Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology.
     Ten:     Closing the door on incorrect application.

ONE will be solved by making all 1+ million files available to anyone with Internet access who is interested in becoming a member of this project. And by making it easy to access these many documents without advanced computer skills.
TWO is up to you, with the help of your nearest  course room and course supervisor..
THREE, you will find out when you apply the data. If that fails, you either have to find your MUs and misapplication, or it could be false data: usually by alter-is of original LRH data. But the Qual Lib will help you sort this out.
FOUR: This is the task of your Course Supervisor. But the Qual Lib will help him and you as a student, because you will find not only the material to study, but also comments of others who have studied it and commented on this issue.
FIVE is up to you again. But now you have a place where you can publish your results to the application: exactly to the specific reference on which your application is based.
SIX: It is up to you to realize which offered tech or "fake-tech" works or not. And please let us know what you found out: post  your comment under the issue you had applied.
SEVEN: If people do as suggested and use the Qual Lib for this, it will finally isolate fake tech. It will be up to the more trained and experienced supervisors to evaluate the students' comments, whether their failures are due to misapplication, or whether we have found something we might call "fake-tech" or "fake-policy".
EIGHT The Qual Lib will also be helpful in weeding out fake applications.
NINE Better communication within the community about tech and possible fake tech will do just that: Closing the door on any possibility of fake or incorrect technology.
TEN It is up to you and me and everyone else to watch out for our colleges' misunderstandings and correct their misapplication of tech and policy. The Cram Officer can help you with this.

The Qual-Lib helps separate the wheat from the chaff so that Scientology can be rehabilitated in its purest form. This separation will not be done on an authoritarian basis. There will be no "Senior C/S Int" or RTC/CST who will be the watchdog over the tech. LRH never wrote anything about a Senior C/S Int or a Watch Dog Committee or RTC or any such bullshit. Instead, KSW is a group activity, like "when in doubt: communicate!" Our worldwide cooperation and communication will enable us to overcome all fakes and betrayals.